Desk methods


These methods control the desk lamp on your workbench.

desk.GetLampState( ) boolean

Returns true if the lamp is on, false otherwise.

desk.SetLampState( state boolean )

Passing true to state will set the lamp on, and false will turn it off.

desk.SetLampColor( color color )

Sets the lamp's color to color.


These methods control the Minitool status screen on your desk.

In all methods containing the argument persistent, this argument tells whether to keep the message forever or if it should disappear after a few seconds.

desk.ShowMessage( message string, persistent boolean )

Displays a message message with a blue background.

desk.ShowWarning( message string, persistent boolean )

Displays a message message with a flashing yellow background.

desk.ShowError( message string, persistent boolean )

Displays a message message with a flashing red background.

desk.HideMessage( )

If there is currently a persistent message being displayed, this will clear the Minitool.