

The VideoChip controls Screens and ScreenButtons to display graphics on them using SpriteSheets.


There are three different VideoChip sizes, but currently their behavior is identical.

small VideoChip

medium VideoChip

large VideoChip


Mode VideoChipMode

The buffering mode for this VideoChip. Defaults to DoubleBuffer.

Width number read only

Width in pixels of the rendering buffer. The area takes into account all the displays connected to this VideoChip.

Height number read only

Height in pixels of the rendering buffer. The area takes into account all the displays connected to this VideoChip.

RenderBuffers {RenderBuffer} read only

List of RenderBuffers on which the VideoChip can render.

TouchState boolean read only

The pressed/released state of the screen touch interaction.

TouchDown boolean read only

A boolean flag that will only be set to true during the time tick in which the TouchState changes from released to pressed.

TouchUp boolean read only

A boolean flag that will only be set to true during the time tick in which the TouchState changes from pressed to released.

TouchPosition vec2 read only

The position of the touch interaction on the screen area.


RenderOnScreen( )

This method sets the VideoChip to use screens as render targets.

RenderOnBuffer( index number )

This method sets the VideoChip to use one of its RenderBuffers as a render target.
The index parameter identifies the RenderBuffer to use.

SetRenderBufferSize( index number, width number, height number )

Resize one of the VideoChip's RenderBuffers.

Clear( color color )

Clears all the render area with the specified color

SetPixel( position vec2, color color )

Sets the pixel at the specified position to the specified color

DrawPointGrid( gridOffset vec2, dotsDistance number, color color )

Draws a dotted grid on the entire display area, with an offset. The dotsDistance parameter express the distance in pixels, on both axis, between dots.

DrawLine( start vec2, end vec2, color color )

Draws a line from position start to position end, using the specified color

DrawCircle( position vec2, radius number, color color )

Draws an empty circle at the specified position, with the specified radius, in the specified color.

FillCircle( position vec2, radius number, color color )

Draws a filled circle at the specified position, with the specified radius, in the specified color.

DrawRect( position1 vec2, position2 vec2, color color )

Draws an empty rect from position1 to position2, in the specified color.

FillRect( position1 vec2, position2 vec2, color color )

Draws a filled rect from position1 to position2, in the specified color.

DrawTriangle( position1 vec2, position2 vec2, position3 vec2, color color )

Draws an empty triangle with vertexes in position1,position2 and position3, in the specified color.

FillTriangle( position1 vec2, position2 vec2, position3 vec2, color color )

Draws a filled triangle with vertexes in position1,position2 and position3, in the specified color.

DrawSprite( position vec2, spriteSheet SpriteSheet, spriteX number, spriteY number, tintColor color, backgroundColor color )

Draws a specific sprite frame from the spriteSheet.
Position is the on-screen sprite desired position starting from the top left corner,
spriteSheet is the SpriteSheet asset containing the sprite frame to draw,
spriteX and spriteY are the coordinates to identify the desired sprite frame starting from the, top left corner, expressed in grid units.
spriteX=0 and spriteY=0 are the coordinates of the first sprite, top left.
tintColor is the color multiplier used to draw the sprite frame. Color(255,255,255) or color.white will leave the sprite frame unaffected.
backgroundColor is the color used to replace the transparent areas of the spriteFrame. Using ColorRGBA(0,0,0,0) or color.clear will leave the transparency as it is.

DrawCustomSprite( position vec2, spriteSheet SpriteSheet, spriteOffset vec2, spriteSize vec2, tintColor color, backgroundColor color )

Draw a portion of a SpriteSheet (defined by spriteOffset, spriteSize) without taking into account the grid

DrawText( position vec2, fontSprite SpriteSheet, text string, textColor color, backgroundColor color )

Draws the string contained in the text parameter, at the desired position, using textColor and backgroundColor.
The parameter fontSprite expect a spriteSheet asset labeled as font.
By placing a ROM you can access the standard font: gdt.ROM.System.SpriteSheets["StandardFont"]

RasterSprite( position1 vec2, position2 vec2, position3 vec2, position4 vec2, spriteSheet SpriteSheet, spriteX number, spriteY number, tintColor color, backgroundColor color )

Draws a specific sprite frame from the spriteSheet mapping it on a quad identified by position1, position2, position3, position4

RasterCustomSprite( position1 vec2, position2 vec2, position3 vec2, position4 vec2, spriteSheet SpriteSheet, spriteOffset vec2, spriteSize vec2, tintColor color, backgroundColor color )

Draws a portion of a SpriteSheet (defined by spriteOffset, spriteSize) without taking into account the grid mapping it on a quad identified by position1, position2, position3, position4

DrawRenderBuffer( position vec2, renderBuffer RenderBuffer, width number, height number )

Draws a render buffer (supposedly coming from Webcam component) at the desired position, width and height

RasterRenderBuffer( position1 vec2, position2 vec2, position3 vec2, position4 vec2, renderBuffer RenderBuffer )

Draws a RenderBuffer mapping it on a quad identified by position1, position2, position3, position4.

SetPixelData( pixelData PixelData )

Apply pixelData content to VideoChip's video buffer, width and height must have the same value as VideoChip's

BlitPixelData( position vec2, pixelData PixelData )

Draw a pixelData content to VideoChip's video buffer at the offset of position. This way PixelData width and height don't need to match the VideoChip's


VideoChipTouchEvent : { TouchDown boolean, TouchUp boolean, Value vec2, Type string }

Sent when the touch interaction is pressed or released.

Buffering modes

There are two valid values for a VideoChipMode:

  • SingleBuffer
  • DoubleBuffer

Double buffering means the video chip will flip between two buffers instead of constantly refreshing the same one. This is a technique to prevent image tearing, since with two buffers you don't see the current active one being drawn to. In practice, use whichever mode seems to work best in your gadget.