

A little joystick-like input device for your gadget, which has smooth movement in all directions.

Similar to the D-Pad in functionality.


X number read only

The position of the stick along the horizontal axis, ranging from -100 to 100.

Y number read only

The position of the stick along the vertical axis, ranging from -100 to 100.

InputSourceX InputSource

The module associated with the stick's horizontal axis. See InputSource for more info.

InputSourceY InputSource

The module associated with the stick's vertical axis. See InputSource for more info.


StickValueChangeEvent : { X number, Y number, Type string }

Triggered when the stick is moved.
* X and Y are the respective values of the stick
* Type is "StickValueChangeEvent"

In the Multitool

You can set the InputSource properties from the Multitool while editing your gadget to set these values without using code.