

A grid of buttons that can be used in a group.


A Keypad works similarly to a grid of Buttons, its properties are all multi-dimensional tables that correspond to each button in the Keypad. The tables should be addressed with [column][row].

ButtonsState {{boolean}} read only

A multi-dimensional table mapping the state of each button to a boolean value.
Returns true if the corresponding button is currently pressed, false otherwise.

ButtonsDown {{boolean}} read only

A multi-dimensional table mapping boolean flags which will be true only in the time tick the corresponding button changes its state to pressed.

ButtonsUp {{boolean}} read only

A multi-dimensional table mapping boolean flags which will be true only in the time tick the corresponding button changes its state to released.

ButtonsInputSource {{InputSource}}

A multi-dimensional table mapping InputSources to each of the buttons in the Keypad.


KeypadButtonEvent : { X number, Y number, ButtonDown boolean, ButtonUp boolean, Type string }

Triggered when a button is pressed or released.
* X is the column of the button that triggered the event.
* Y is the row of the button that triggered the event.
* ButtonDown is true if the button was just pressed.
* ButtonUp is true is the button was just released.
* Type is "KeypadButtonEvent".

In the Multitool

You can select different symbols to be printed on each one of the buttons of the keypad in the bottom screen of your Multitool.


See the Sound Board cookbook example for an example on how to play samples with keypad input.